I Am No Longer Super Moderator......


Full Access Member
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Hamilton County OH
on the SRT10Forum.com.

I was just asked to tender my resignation by John as Super Moderator.I was told if I was going to promote a competing forum that I needed to step down.

I was accused of promoting the VTCOA on his forum which I NEVER did.I understand him not wanting the competition, however ;I do not like the fact that I was accused of unethical business practices which I have NEVER engaged in at ANY point in my career.

I realize it is a moot point now since I am home here and doing the right thing for all the SRT-10 owners.I just want to set the record straight.

Just remember you can be judged guilty by association over there.Just something to consider if you want to remain a member there .I can`t imagine after the turn of events in the last couple of weeks why anyone would post over there .I would take down all the profile information and never go back.That is of course up to you.

Hell the pay and the hours weren`t that great either.
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You won't miss it

There are too many good forums out there to struccle with just one.

Besides the people make the forum, the forum doesn't make the people
Rokt if you are no longer over there then well something just really died over there. You have been around since the very beginning. I loved that site. Looks like this might end up being my home too. If the gangs all here, then I am here.

Sorry to hear about that Dave :( If it make you feel any better they banned me today for sending a couple emails to my pals :(

Oh well, Its worth it, here is our true family

I cant believe they banned you Red!!! I mean come on. Like your swaying people from going to that sight!!! Like I cant make my own decisions on what site to go to!!!! Puh-leezz!!!! Banning you and taking Rokts job away are reasons to leave. Just let it alone. What a shame. I hope this sight can be as cool as that one was.

Yeah I agree, I never posted anything in public view, I never disrespected anyone....I just wanted the people that had no idea (my friends) to know about the site! If they want to join cool! if not cool too!

He said I PM'd some people, and I wont lie...I did, a few friends.
As for Roktman, he did nothing, no PM'ing, no posting, nothing except for personal emailing a couple of his buddies. Just like that they were willing to slap him in the face after 2-3 years of dedicated (non-pay, volunteering MIND YOU) hours. I'm over it, with all the effort we are putting into the site we will have new member coming here VERY quickly (paying good money for Google advertising hehehe). Thanks for all the support, who knows mabye Ekool would want to stop by one day...at least I wont treat him like he treated other, he's welcome here.

Well, as for me, yes...I am an IT Director and all I do is computers daily. Now Jack is the Go-getter-done man and the guy who really forked up the funds.

I put about (4)-16/hour days into it to get it up and running & a few hundred bucks.

Jack put too much to post!

And my wife donated her time to make the Forum banner for us :)

As you know this has been a project that all of us wanted really bad. We wanted our own Identity and we needed time and money to do it, well it finally got done. Now we can reap the benifts :) Enjoy!

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Damn, lots of things to say, and not sure where to start.

Okay, first off very professional post. I'm sure you are not happy about this but you still acted in a civil manner. Needless to say, much better than I did.

I believe this is whole situation has shown what kind of person ekool is, and it's not a nice picture. We have not seen Jamie or Smoke here yet. I'm assuming that they may have been told not to. I can only hope that they will decide to quit supporting that site and join us here. As I stated before, I would not be able to support and work for someone that has acted in the way he did.

On a more positive note, I'm personally glad to see this happen in a way. Now we have your undivided attention in regard to the SRT/10.

Thank you for your time, effort, and putting up with our antics (or would that be Bullshit) at times. As Wifey would say, You Rock Roktman.:cool: :cool: :cool:
Well I am not one to get into a confrontation,except with a Lightning owner, so I just kept my mouth shut on the other forum. I am glad you guys stepped out and did this. Site looks very professional and I appreciate the invites from a couple of you. I am here and now a member.
where ever Rocketman goes i am there!
how/when will i get an X-Metal folder so i can start putting in our products/threads etc?
i took a chance and e-mailed some fellow members from the "other" site to let them know we are over here now,probably get banned,SO WHAT! telling ROKTMAN to step down as moderator was the last straw for me,their loss
ThankSS Maui,Silver,Sancho,David,Myug.It is a good thing overall.I just DID NOTHING but dedicate many a long hour to making the site what is WAS.Not what it is now.

Pretty soon we will have the membership support ,vendor support as it did.Tell all your friends.Vendors step up and let`s get this party started!
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Looks like this will be my new home once I found out where everyone went. One question, because of the cost in starting this form, someone(s) dug into their wallets. I am willing to send some money to help with the cost of starting up this site. Let me know.
Broke, Fstjack and Patrick(redsrtoo7) brought this outta their heart bro, but you are right ,Patrick any suggestions for donations , hell wait ,I'll start a thread.

That's just wrong. Can't tell you how much that pisses me off.

I won't be posting there anymore.

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