Please welcome our newest Super Moderator!!

Caveman, how much does this pay???? Your not doing this for free are you? It's like babysitting Satan's children.
They pay $135,000 per year, plus benefits. They are looking for one more person too. Just send your resume's to VPRPWRD and he will review them. :D

I'd nominate Jeff for the Hall-of-Fame in here..if we had one...;)
We do have one. It can be located at Viper Registry Forum

Those are some big shoes to fill caveman, do a good job as I am sure you can.

Dan and Brat, you have done a great job and will be missed

Thanks, Rick.

Hope you will enjoy the new job :D

All the best !

Thanks, Arne!

brat also retired with Honors
Hope Earl will stop in from time to time. He's one of the originals.

This has to be a sick joke
That's quote worthy!

No strikers for you !

Nice. Congrats
Thanks, Ralph.

Congrats, I know you will do well
Thanks, Jeff. Where did your admin title go?!

What is a super moderator? Still new to some of this so forgive me for asking.
If it's a good thing, congratulations Caveman
A super moderator is like an unpaid blind person who is expected to monitor other blind people at a game of basketball. Should be a good time :D
Just more good news... right?

I'm shocked, genuinely shocked. Thanks for all you do for the Viper/Viper Truck peeps. Someday, people will realize how vast and resourceful the Registry is, and they will be very happy it's there.
Yea, now I can have fun. Work on the Registry.... without having to keep an eye on the kids.

By the end of 2015, every Viper Truck and Viper's for that matter will be fully registered. At that point... Time to create a "Black Book" by generation. I'll be busy without question
I'm so excited to make this years calendar! It will be super-duper fun.
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