B&M short throw shifter

I knwo one or two is done, and someone will be testing them soon, hopefully JTSVP will be the distributor for them, and not sure on the price either, pretty sure tho, since they are built by a small deal they want be as cheap , but I hope not too crazy on price, should know pretty soon, but I havent seen one in person, jsut pics, but a nice looking deal, but need to feel it first and see how it actually acts, but will most def keep everyone informed after its checked out and completed;)

ill take one...
the first actuall production one is supposed to be done by next monday, we'll test it, thro it thru the punches and see hwo it turns out
the first actuall production one is supposed to be done by next monday, we'll test it, thro it thru the punches and see hwo it turns out

Any update on the shifter?
just upgrade the bolts ,,i have sheared mine off the handle 4 or 5 times ,,,ended up with allen head ones from work that are tougher than grade 8,s ,,i went thorugh 3 grade 8,s,,,same thing ,,bang third and end up punching dash ;)
Ironhead said:
just upgrade the bolts ,,i have sheared mine off the handle 4 or 5 times ,,,ended up with allen head ones from work that are tougher than grade 8,s ,,i went thorugh 3 grade 8,s,,,same thing ,,bang third and end up punching dash ;)
That's what I'm probably going to do with my old one when I get some time to work on it. Right now, I just need something to drive it with. I think my gorilla grip just gave it a tad too hard of a shift.
I've never used an aftermarket shifter on any manual vehicle I've owned. How much of a difference is there between the stock shifter and say a B&M?
USMC11 said:
I've never used an aftermarket shifter on any manual vehicle I've owned. How much of a difference is there between the stock shifter and say a B&M?

a world of difference:rock: :rock: :rock:
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shorter throw as advertised. a bit more effort to shift, but not bad

not near as "sloppy" feelin compared to factory stick.

shifts are more precise.

can feel the engine better. no rubber isolator with the B&M.

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