my suncoast transmission back (fastfood)

busy my a$$...dont take peoples money or stuff if you cant provide the service.ive been self employed and run a business for almost 20 years.that is just no excuse....sorry but its not
this isn't looking good for fastfood. :dontknow:

Still hasn't logged into the forum in about a month. Since he has been doing the cooking thing at the plant. Last Activity: 09-11-2009 05:39 PM
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no its not bud:eek: I really dont knw what to say, I thought it was all ironed out, I texted Greg the shipping address the night Venomous sent it to me.
I know he is working his ass off, but time can be found:eek:

Yes Stinker my bud, I have texted ( which I hate doing,fingers tooo farking big and old) I called, I left PMs for whatever reason and he never returns shit. It takes all of a minute to call and say "hey man I aint sendin shit" or " ehy man it's on the way here's the tracking #!! The last time I talked to him he acted like he was telling the wife to " ship this tomorrow to this address" and said it's done and should be there soon" I trusted that and left it at that. I could have driven from TEXAS to fukn Carolina and back 10 times by now and picked it up my damn self.

Sorry for the rant but this is total Bullshit form a fellow member. I have had nothing but help and love shown on this forum and this fukr is putting the ebay shit on me. Hope noone else is waiting for something that apparently isn't going to show.:argh: :mad: :confused: :dontknow:
srtmaniac said:
busy my a$$...dont take peoples money or stuff if you cant provide the service.ive been self employed and run a business for almost 20 years.that is just no excuse....sorry but its not

Don't offer a fukng sale and say I might be out of pocket for a month and never send shit. Looks shady as all getout, not to mention he lied to me numerous times about it going out and it hasn't left his fking garage yet. Fawk!!!!!

Don't Fawking Lie to me anymore, save it for the next VICTIM!

anyone who gets my transmission back can have it for the amount thats owed to me ($800) or i will pay them $200

to chefchode:if i ever run into you again, you should plan on a hospital visit

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