2024 Post Ho Thread

Never tried Takis - look hot!
Looks can be deceiving , hahaha ! But then again since some people can tolerate the eating fire it’s not a problem .. I’m a guy that wouldn’t eat , black pepper (better know to me as poison ) , onions were too hot for me to eat when I was growing up . Know , you probably can’t make a chili that I would try lol .. none of the chips except 1 which was a ghost pepper chip was a muther of hot . A small bag and only eat maybe 4 chips lol .. the rest are hot but not too hot to eat . At least for me !
Beware f asking for hot at an India restaurant hahaha Sandy loved hot hot .. she was warned at the restaurant,, so she got it hot .. It was actually the best couple hours in our relationship as it was so hot she literally could not speak for a couple hours .. She will never do that again lol…
I asked her all the time if she wanted to go to the India restaurant ..not hard to know what she would say lol
Looks can be deceiving , hahaha ! But then again since some people can tolerate the eating fire it’s not a problem .. I’m a guy that wouldn’t eat , black pepper (better know to me as poison ) , onions were too hot for me to eat when I was growing up . Know , you probably can’t make a chili that I would try lol .. none of the chips except 1 which was a ghost pepper chip was a muther of hot . A small bag and only eat maybe 4 chips lol .. the rest are hot but not too hot to eat . At least for me !
Beware f asking for hot at an India restaurant hahaha Sandy loved hot hot .. she was warned at the restaurant,, so she got it hot .. It was actually the best couple hours in our relationship as it was so hot she literally could not speak for a couple hours .. She will never do that again lol…
I asked her all the time if she wanted to go to the India restaurant ..not hard to know what she would say lol
Oh that's funny!!! Poor girl!! It's horrid not being able to speak! Hahahaha and for a couple hours in top of it is torture :p:p
I can tolerate hot too a point but i don't want to me miserable! I'll try a takis i they look good
I've only tried Indian food once and didn't get anything hot I'm still going to try other things since i didn't know what any of it was! Haha
Never had real sushi either - I'm still not positive you don't get worms from it
She will never do that again lol…
I asked her all the time if she wanted to go to the India restaurant ..not hard to know what she would say lol
I hope she says UP YOURS!!! hahahaha!!
I've only tried Indian food once and didn't get anything hot I'm still going to try other things since i didn't know what any of it was! Haha
Im addicted lol
I hope she says UP YOURS!!! hahahaha!!
Never did never will hahaha . If I do go out with her for dinner again .. I wont say where lol
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Never did never will hahaha . If I do go out with her for dinner again .. I wont say where lol
Oh good she sounds like a nice lady! I hope you both get to!! Sounds like you have a great time :cool:
Never heard of it .. looked up images ,,, doesnt ok like it’s made the same way everytime … the way I make chili
I don't eat real ceviche I'm afraid of the worms in raw fish - deli ceviche is Made different and most isn't very good - so i guess i sorta lied hahahaha i only eat it now and then
She she
Oh good she sounds like a nice lady! I hope you both get to!! Sounds like you have a great time :cool:
No she tossed it out the door after 15 years when she retired .. most everything she said over the years turned out to be BS and deceitful.. and BS excuses at the end when she sent me a email from NY to say it was over.. She now just takes freebies if Imoffer , to me It makes no difference.. She was Strike 3 on longer term relationships .. I’m out , will only do the play the field but never again get into any relationship .. the dishonesty s just rediculous and not what I’m about ..
There is a lot more to it since basically I was considered the grandfather figure of 3 f her Daughters children .. They were pushed away from me with who knows what said .. The youngest daughter has come over a few times , she’s going to be 18 soon and will vote for the first time .. She’s accepted to college for law .. the oldest son is now in medical school and the middle son at college to be a engineer.. Great kids all 3 …
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The site is loading so slow again .. heck takes 20 second just to do the like button .. been like this since around 3 am Et this morning ..
everything else , sites load fast !
It's frustrating here today!! This site is loading up like molasses in winter! I'm sure it's the site since all my others are loading fine.
@Shaggy … site messed up ,, takes a long time to load ages , incomplete pages ..,posting take a very long time and multiple tries
@Shaggy ,,, This happened a few weeks ago also ,, I posted it and nobody else had the problem . But it was when people were sleeping lol .. was told it was operator error ,, WRONG ! All other sites just like now worked fine , I even tested using my hot spot instead f my internet wifi .. that didn’t work either ..

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