2024 Post Ho Thread

Jalapeño jelly is my hot limit Hahahaa
What’s funny is I can’t stand eating hot wing and the likes … the burn hangs around the mouth , lips for a damn hour ..
No!! But I have heard of those killer peppers!! Not gonna try one in purpose anyways lol
I’ve read that those thing have actually killed a few people .. I think it was due to being allergic or something …they have a ghost pepper challenge that’s been around a while on line
I use to have a client ,,, that had a Avacado tree that a lot of Avacados every year .,they were snowbirds and only down here for maybe 2 months out of the year .. So I would snag a bunch of Avacados and give them to people … Then I decided to try and start a few using the pits .. it worked and I gave one to the Client , Sandy and my next door neighbor about 10 to 15 years ago … I know Sandy still has one in here yard ,, the last I saw was the clients was doing well but no idea about it now .. the one in the pic s my next door neighbors and it finally after all these years has produced a few AVACADOS ….

MAYBE I should have changed my name to Jimmy Avacado tree lol ,, Not !View attachment 67266View attachment 67267View attachment 67268View attachment 67269
Oh my!! That's beautiful! I would love to have an avocado tree in my yard! Good job Jimmy Avocado! Love it
I’ve read that those thing have actually killed a few people .. I think it was due to being allergic or something …they have a ghost pepper challenge that’s been around a while on line
I can imagine they could kill someone!! No thanks!
I knew some folks in Ventura county that had avocado trees all over in their yards and there are groves of them in that area. Yummmm!! One of my favs
What’s funny is I can’t stand eating hot wing and the likes … the burn hangs around the mouth , lips for a damn hour ..
Hot lips! Remember Hot Lips Hoolihan lol
Those I like :)
I use to buy the ready made trays at Publix ,,, Until they threw me into AFIB LOL and doubled the price … easier and cheaper to make my own .
Oh boy , like we’ve never seen the news like they are showing today … It’s back to China , Russia and nukes , Musk VS Brazil , September month and the all might Fed lol It never ends …
Futures look like crap all red indexes .

I guess the immanent rate decrease means nothing after almost 4 years .. The expectation is 3 rate cuts buy EOY …
Oh boy , like we’ve never seen the news like they are showing today … It’s back to China , Russia and nukes , Musk VS Brazil , September month and the all might Fed lol It never ends …
Futures look like crap all red indexes .

I guess the immanent rate decrease means nothing after almost 4 years .. The expectation is 3 rate cuts buy EOY …
its exhausting! And if they left the rate alone everything would be fine anyways! The rate isn't all that horrid if looking back in time over 50 years. Mostly people need to remember how to live without spending every penny they get before they even earn it. And oh yeah - get a job! And if the gov would quit giving everything away and printing more more more! It's a frickin circus out there! The gov is the worst problem! they have spent us into oblivion. They need financial classes Lol and people need to learn how to save and stop spending like the gov does
The poor get poorer and the rich get richer - i think it's always been that way.
The poor get poorer and the rich get richer - i think it's always been that way.
That’s how the so called elite want things to be .. that’s where their control is ..
I don't feel a week over 61!
I don't feel a week over 61!
I’m getting younger by the year .. When I started getting younger each year it was based on the average life span half of the human male . Which was 70 years old at the time ! Making me count backwards at 35 years old .. So that makes me 31 now lol I’m getting close to my radical hay days again … As the saying goes “Time repeats itself “ lol ……
Another trip around the sun! Glad it's treating you well!
Go in reverse around the rotation of the sun at the speed of light and reverse time and get younger lol

Or walk backwards , travel only in the reverse of the earths rotation and get a few extra years on your life span …

I have proof it works , Star Trek proves it lol
I’m getting younger by the year .. When I started getting younger each year it was based on the average life span half of the human male . Which was 70 years old at the time ! Making me count backwards at 35 years old .. So that makes me 31 now lol I’m getting close to my radical hay days again … As the saying goes “Time repeats itself “ lol ……
Interesting theory!! We should all do that. Never to late to get started!