Continued from 2007 ... GO DOW GO!!

Since the splits hit on aapl I have a cost average per share of 24$ and change per share now .. so imagine the gains from their to now . I won’t say how many I own but I’ve bought and added for a very long time hahaha
I'm not selling but that's what they try doing to people
this!!!!! Is what I'm taking about. I don't even believe this guy!! Yet anyways!View attachment 66505
Speculation from a who the heck is this guy .. even with competition Nvidia has the Massive market share now and I doubt any competition will even come close anytime soon .
I'm not selling but that's what they try doing to people
I have sold aapl shares in the past and taken profit ,, always the highest cost shares also .

I do believe NVDA is in the game for a good while .. there are going to be ups and downs ..,right now the smoke from the split needs to settle , which it may just be doing that now ..
starting a position and adding here and there as the price drops some and selling the high cost shares here and there to pull some profit will be my strategy . Building into a long term position .
Selling NVIDIA? Or dumping that AMC garbage hahaha ..
I'm keeping NVDA i was just kidding / the trash I'm sitting on just in case then I'm never doing that again hahahaha
I'm not selling but that's what they try doing to people
With GME ,, they pump to get people to keep buying .. when the price runs up especially big time … then the shorts need to cover before they get a margin call from the broker hahaha .. shorts also pay interest to short .. they have a certain amount of time to cover . This is where a high short interest % can cause the short squeeze and the stock can go parabolic … shorting can be very bad for their health and financials to the point they could loose everything they have
I got within .15 today so I'm still hoping
With GME ,, they pump to get people to keep buying .. when the price runs up especially big time … then the shorts need to cover before they get a margin call from the broker hahaha .. shorts also pay interest to short .. they have a certain amount of time to cover . This is where a high short interest % can cause the short squeeze and the stock can go parabolic … shorting can be very bad for their health and financials to the point they could loose everything they have
I noticed the short percentage was a little over 15% vs the 24.9 or whatever it was the other day. Maybe the site i look at is wrong but that surprised me
I'm keeping NVDA i was just kidding / the trash I'm sitting on just in case then I'm never doing that again hahahaha
I hope so hahah .. play off your cost average for adding more .. and take profits selling a share or 2 at a time to take some profits to invest in something else solid .

Sometimes it is even to advantage to just add a few more here and there at a little higher price than your cost average if the stock is obviously going to continue in a growth pattern .
I got within .15 today so I'm still hoping
Will see what happens on the fed news .. my opinion is that AMC won’t react like the rest of the market .. but we will see tomorrow
I noticed the short percentage was a little over 15% vs the 24.9 or whatever it was the other day. Maybe the site i look at is wrong but that surprised me
Most stats for short interest show they are for an earlier date ..
When a stock jumps shorts cover lowering the short interest .. many panic and run .
I hope so hahah .. play off your cost average for adding more .. and take profits selling a share or 2 at a time to take some profits to invest in something else solid .

Sometimes it is even to advantage to just add a few more here and there at a little higher price than your cost average if the stock is obviously going to continue in a growth pattern .
Most stats for short interest show they are for an earlier date ..
When a stock jumps shorts cover lowering the short interest .. many panic and run .
Then they may have done that because it's way down - makes me think they're scared it will go up again
If I remember correctly back on the first GME pop some guy shorted and got burned bad with a margin call and was going to end up loosing his house or all his investments .. he was crying like a baby on either a Reditt or Fb , social media sites trying to beg for people to help him out with money .. obviously he didn’t know squat about investing sand shorting . He got nailed .
Then they may have done that because it's way down - makes me think they're scared it will go up again
Oh they were covering without a doubt, especially on GME ..
Well I have a cardiologist appointment tomorrow right about the time the fed blabs .. so I think I’ll head for my pillow now .. have a great night
Good luck!
Just another regular visit to the local ticker checker to be wired up and here the same thing .. maybe one day the doctors will figure out the causes and fix problems instead of treating symptoms and making people into life long drug addicts .
Looks like a power hour PreM .. head fake or not .. Pre Fed or do the bigs already have the fed news ?
Indexes rocking , 10year red and VIX red .. 15 minutes to open launch ..