Continued from 2007 ... GO DOW GO!!

The Jackals knocked my gains down about 800$ in the last 1.5 minutes into close .. Damn profit taking bigs stink ! H well made up today plus for yesterday ..
Here are some interest rates you can earn owning crapto on Coinbase ! You buy , then Stake them and collect the interest .. read about staking . Then see where the price goes ! The ones showing are cheap enough ….
The cash account also gives a decent rate , I’m getting 5.17%
I just buy VERY small partials of BTC and ETHERIUM (ether staked for interest 2.79% ) .
When I signed up they gave me 3.00 worth of BTC lol hey free !

With the crapto prices down I take the buy op to add a little more !
Pretty simple you just click a button lol .. I’m not sure if it’s on other crapto compnies .. I know Robin crappyhood doesn’t have it .. your crapto just sits as dead money till you sell .
I just put in limit buys for polar ot and cosmos ..just to get free interest .. plus a test to see if it goes up .. 7 hole dollars on each lol.. then I put a few more with a lowball for partials of BTC and etherium .. those are the only decent ones for gains IMO and I get the interest on staking etherium .. I don’t plan on even owning a full coin on either of those ..
I made some on money partial last week when I dumped my etherium on robincraphood .. 880 back to cash with gains ..Then added some back into Coinbase accoun at a lower cost avg. plus get the interest or as coinbase calls it a reward lol
DJT to the moon in the morning ??!
No idea till PreM to give an idea .. I know crapto went up almost immediately after the shooting .. DJT is a different thing but we may see it move up .. I hope a lot lol
You do know you can buy crapto 24/7 365 .. you don’t have to worry about wash sales either … did you check out the STAKING and rewards rates ? Crapto alt coins can be cheaper than chit Shib , doge , Dot ,atom .. those are less that a penny up to around 7$ a coin .. 100$ would buy a ton and some could make you rich . But I still hate crapto lol and why I don’t dump a lot of dollars in it .. but I do have enough to make me a lot of money when they jump ..
heck I own by comparison to other people almost 2 million of SHIB @ .000009 lol if it would just go to a penny lol I’ll make a lot of money . IM ALREADY GREEN ON IT $15.02 since yesterday and the value is $31.93 now .. I think I paid less that 15$ total… I’m not looking at all my buys and adding up my cost .. that’s one of the reasons robinhood stinks .
That’s about the equivalent of 5 Large value packs of M&M’s lol
I did read about staking! And I'm learning about how the mining and blockchains work - interesting and worth having some understanding of the crapto world. :D
Trump supports crapto from what I've read so if it trades 24/7 and jumped I'll bet 2005's left one that the stock does the same!
I'm looking to add WMT a few at a time and I'm thinking on AMZ i need to sell a couple nvda
Trump supports crapto from what I've read so if it trades 24/7 and jumped I'll bet 2005's left one that the stock does the same!
hahahaha may the left and the right one lol
That's a huge amount of SHIB!
In the realm .. 2mil is nothing considering such a small amount f dollars I have in it .. I know a few people that own billions lol which still snt a ton of money .. but the possibility f it just moving 1 decimal point will bring in big bucks lol
So many alt coins - that's truly a whole other universe out there!
I did read about staking! And I'm learning about how the mining and blockchains work - interesting and worth having some understanding of the crapto world. :D
Not much to staking ,, just hit the button for it … you may just need to unstable in order to sell and that means just hit the button lol BUTTON BUTTON WHOS GOT THE BUTTON ? Coinbase does at least lol..

I don’t bother trying to understand or learn about mining ( I’m not doing it ) and the block chain I don’t care and just know it has to be there to have crypto .. since the crapto I play is so small in cash amounts the particulates don’t matter … Im not doing like some do and dumping in tons of cash but I’ll add f the price is down a little more .. it’s down now and I added lol

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