Continued from 2007 ... GO DOW GO!!

If you look at the market it is on a up trend hitting all time record on the indexes and also many many stocks especially the big companies have been a uptrend showing on all the charts over time .
If you look at the market it is on a up trend hitting all time record on the indexes and also many many stocks especially the big companies have been a uptrend showing on all the charts over time .
All charts have a setting for time frames you can click to see .. 1 day , 5 day , 3 month 6 Month 1 yr , 3 year , 5 year and all time as a example where you can get a idea of the up and down trend . They also show the up or down % over those periods above of gains or loss.. the daily chart s a pain and tells very little from day to day .. going further out gives a better idea of each stocks trend .
I'm a further out kind of person for sure. And what gets me is the charts show the exact opposite of what these column writers put up every day! They've been saying it's going to pop like the dot com bubble did all year and so far it's done nothing but go up.
Good research and you're definitely experienced with the pump and dumps and the strugglers! I just watch them lol
Hahaha experienced is part of the learning curve ..
It went way back down today .. yes it’s always had big ups and downs but the trend longer term has always been Up ..
where/when do the bigs get their news so far ahead if everyone else? I can watch pre market going up up up and then bammmm drop like a rock on opening. What the heck makes that happen. I can't stand trying to make a decision when there is no rhyme nore reason to it. I know that's why long term investing is better than trading but these traders or bigs or whoever they are get inside info that others don't seem to have. Maybe the took economics in school hahahaha
I'm a further out kind of person for sure. And what gets me is the charts show the exact opposite of what these column writers put up every day! They've been saying it's going to pop like the dot com bubble did all year and so far it's done nothing but go up.
Article writers get paid to say crap .. who is factual and gives a damn about the little guy .. NONE OF THEM ! Manipulation .. why checking the SEC FILES S A MUST to verify any reportable news . Articles are drama jerks and click bait to make a buck , many are paid by someone that has interest in the asset .
Well they can kiss my assett!! Then they put a disclaimer How they have no stake in the stock they are reporting on.
Did you check the SCE on TSLA moving the robotaxi date or does that take a filing?
where/when do the bigs get their news so far ahead if everyone else? I can watch pre market going up up up and then bammmm drop like a rock on opening. What the heck makes that happen. I can't stand trying to make a decision when there is no rhyme nore reason to it. I know that's why long term investing is better than trading but these traders or bigs or whoever they are get inside info that others don't seem to have. Maybe the took economics in school hahahaha
Hedgies playing their games to set the stage so to say of the day , manipulation since most retail doesn’t play futures , AH or preM .. they trade back and forth between each other to manipulate the prices . Then there are the computer programs they set up for trades.
They get the news because they are closely connected to companies people which without a doubt gives them the second the events are released .. the littl guys don’t have that option IMO !
Well they can kiss my assett!! Then they put a disclaimer How they have no stake in the stock they are reporting on.
Hahaha yep ! But the buddy sitting next ot them have the stake in it hahaha !
Then that's the risk the Littles take to play and I'm always glad when they get a win!!
No , I didn’t check the SEC. I’m sure it’s not a required SEC filing but may have been included in a required filing . I rarely check into filings except during earnings or something out of the ordinary flip thinkmthe company has a reason to watch the filing closer .
Did you check the SCE on TSLA moving the robotaxi date or does that take a filing?
As for TSLA ,, My position is long . I didn’t even look at it till my Brother asked me about todays drop ..he trades it and also has some for long term . He’s made a ton over the years .. more than me anyway .. he pulled in 60k on his first sell years ago when the price was around 1200 .. I think he bought in from 400:to 600 range … he swore he would never buy the stock and I actually hounded him and he finally did lol .. at first it made me very nervious also and took me a while .. I tested it and finally started adding more then selling and adding more .. made great money but now I’m enjoying the long term holding since the split ..I’ll ride those till it goes back to 1000 lol
And I'm sure it will! I see the overall trend and it's not going away or going bankrupt and Elon Musk is a genius so i believe everything he has planned will happen. Also the Optimus part of it all. I think over time one gets used to the fact that without red there can't be green!
TSLA pre split prices would easily swing 20 to 100$ a day opened buy ops so much it was easy to decide to buy add or adjust the cost avg. … today closing at 22.23 red reminds of those days somewhat .. it is also down in AH a couple more dollars . Making for a better possible buy op even cheaper .. 8pm AH close lol
The trend has been when huge down days happen like the Nasdaq today the next day it usually recovers pretty good .. I expect to see the big companies tomorrow come back ,,, which makes for either a add more or a almost guaranteed flip
I feel it’s a snooze you loose syndrome with drops like today
Dumbo bobble head introduced Zelensky as Putin today lol..
Wonder if we see some market movement lol
The trend has been when huge down days happen like the Nasdaq today the next day it usually recovers pretty good .. I expect to see the big companies tomorrow come back ,,, which makes for either a add more or a almost guaranteed flip

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