Continued from 2007 ... GO DOW GO!!

Here is something to look into on the stocks your thinking about buying ..
I’m looking to add a new position EFT (XYLD symbol ) it pays out monthly ..
take a look at the 1year chart screenshot … notice the div payouts and the dips coincide with a drop and that is a buy op IMO . Also notice it is on a up trend for the last year .. it has a 9.35 % yield if auto reinvested . It has a good track record even did decent during the pandemic until some asshat took over the Whitehouse … Its heading going into the election it appears on a decent up trend now .
You should be soaring today! TSLA!
It did well today but im not buying anymore at the price unless I decide to start a secondary cost basis position in it . I’m long and more concerned with other positions new and old while building more div income . I need to see other dogs move better and finding some reasonable flips or swings . I have 15 non dogs I want to see solid green soon so I can free up the cash and add more div income or new solid div paying position .
If you want to do some reading .. we’ll a lot of reading of a stock I and many others were in on and got burned bad , some very bad .
The stock was called VRINGO . They change the name a few times over the years , multiple Reverse splits , dilution and everything else that completely made themselves rich on shareholders expense . They are now called XWEL ( the dumpster fire ) !
The link is to a blog about this company , why people got into it decades ago and the companies BS failure to shareholders . The guy that made the blog did the best DD of factual info I’ve ever seen ,,, I know him personally and lives 30 minutes from me .
He lost over 100k and damn near got divorced and close to loosing his house because of these crooks . I actually became friends with several other people involved from other states . One lady even came down here and we met personally ( younger than me haha ) this company cause her well off long time boyfriend to break up over her massive loss in it . Another lady older and about to retire got smoked around 80k and had to continue working . She was married and her husband understood ( good guy ) and she has since retired and they do well . We’ve all fallen out of touch now .. sort of like what’s happened on the VTCOA ..
THE BLOG .. ITS A GREAT WAY TO LEARN ABOUT MASSIVE AND PROPER FACTUAL DD on a stock . This was not an investment company it was a trade with the possibility to make a ton when it began and why I change my plan to investing instead of trading .

I'll read at it and see if i can follow it all - Looks like a few different companies were involved and is xwell now into the same business that vringi originally was?
1 and the same company .. VRINGO , FORMHOLDINGS , XSPA now XWELL in that order the company changed their names and symbols and business type changed everytime .. CROOKS !
1 and the same company .. VRINGO , FORMHOLDINGS , XSPA now XWELL in that order the company changed their names and symbols and business type changed everytime .. CROOKS !
Now looks like a strange combo of services etc
They started as an online ring tone company as VRINGO and bought a patent portfolio from Nokia .. they then turned into a Patent Troll suing other companies for patent infringement all ver the world .. If it wasn’t for the Patent they bought then GOOGLE would have never exploded in the stock price , VRINGO wend the patent for ad revenue . There huge companies like Microsoft , LTE were infringing n the same patents .. then they got the shaft from the appellate court appeal and the stock dumped 70% in seconds bagging the hell out of everyone . Including me . The stock was dead and then the name change to FH ( now a holding company ) they bought pieces of other junk companies like XSPA then change the nam to XWEL today .
That’s just a short amount about this company .. Their crooks and should never have been allowed to IPO r ever be listed as a public company .. The manipulation and pump and dumps are always in the works . The SEC does nothing even though many people have filed complaints .. I filed complaints 3 times .
It's those massive instant dumps that happen that makes it obvious someine somewhere knew what was going to happen and sold off - those trades should be reversed!
Looking at CORZ and they still look pretty strong. They seem to dip them come back to higher than the times before - when i first started watching them they were in the 7 and 8 range but they seem steady 9 and 10
It's those massive instant dumps that happen that makes it obvious someine somewhere knew what was going to happen and sold off - those trades should be reversed!
Oh yeah ! Some one new it on a court ruling before any little retailers new that’s for sure ..
There were a few big money turds that promoted the stock and bought when the lawsuit against Google started .
Mark Cuban was one of them .. Scam a$$ as insider crook himself and past was investigated and tried for that years ago .. people followed that crook into VRINGO . Then he vanished from the stock without a word .. later I heard him in an interview , he stated he just bought in as a hedge ! He pump and dumped before the crash !
See if the Article is still on the internet ! ( GOOGLE GOING TO ZERO ) LMT hat article and the guy that wrote it was a money guy and that article got many people into the stock big time .
Looking at CORZ and they still look pretty strong. They seem to dip them come back to higher than the times before - when i first started watching them they were in the 7 and 8 range but they seem steady 9 and 10
The question is what’s really driving the stock ? It is not following crapto at all . Do they have a business plan and what is it ? It’s a day trade stock only to me ! Very high risk !
There are many small, mid and large company stocks that are much better .
Looking at CORZ and they still look pretty strong. They seem to dip them come back to higher than the times before - when i first started watching them they were in the 7 and 8 range but they seem steady 9 and 10
Yea it's a trading stock for sure and better to trade if there is some pattern. They have something to do with coreweave whatever they do lol
The Burrito CFO is leaving in March maybe that's some reason it's hanging lower
The question is what’s really driving the stock ? It is not following crapto at all . Do they have a business plan and what is it ? It’s a day trade stock only to me ! Very high risk !
There are many small, mid and large company stocks that are much better .


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