Continued from 2007 ... GO DOW GO!!

Ok added the last 2ryld on that account .. time to sit and forget again .. last 2 @16.13
Market s being a HO Down today ,down , up, down blah blah .. buy ops are good .

I would have lost my bet on RYLD … IT DID FILL @16.15 and is @16.14 now .. might add couple more on my Axos account … I limit all positions to a max of 5 shares on it and take cash only from Divs .. I’ll be ready to cash out another 25$ after divs payout next month lol and transfer to my high interest bank accounts for later investments .
Oh today was Div payday!
Oh today was Div payday!
Yes ,, got mine on both RYLD and QYLD this morning .. cash and had some on different accounts droped .

Just got the fill n CRWD IN AH .
Added RYLD ON 2 accounts and have a QYLD limit set also..

Damn ,, I add a CRWD and plopped big time AH .. Unreal perfect timing I have for this crap …lol
That Was a pretty good size drop! Wonder what that was all about - News probably. Dang! Volume 169%

Tomorrow Wed and Thu earnings that are supposed to matter to the tech people - according to the yappy columnists
That Was a pretty good size drop! Wonder what that was all about - News probably. Dang! Volume 169%

Tomorrow Wed and Thu earnings that are supposed to matter to the tech people - according to the yappy columnists
The claim is Delts airlines initiated a law suit for compensation.. the drop is rediculous for a compensation suit that will be settled out of court is my guess .. yep there’s the perfect example of volume , it’s always before the fact on the up and after the fact on the down can’t count on catching the volume .. can’t be done ..but you can chase up or dump down ..

The law suit s saying multi million dollars ..Whooopy doo for a campanile with a market cap of around 65 billion as of today . Even f other airlines do the same what kind of total dollars would it amount to for flights cancelled . You know the airlines will fudge the numbers and ask for more .delta claiming 600 flights cancelled , yeah I’ll bet !
Either way it won’t kill CRWD AND ONLY TAKE A LITTLE LONGER TO Recover .domthe math on the basic cost of a flight and the cancelled flights .. f that becomes a out of court settlement then it’s a drop in the hate even with the others doing lawsuits ..
my guess approx 3.5 million for delta not including other factors that may arise ..
The claim is Delts airlines initiated a law suit for compensation.. the drop is rediculous for a compensation suit that will be settled out of court is my guess .. yep there’s the perfect example of volume , it’s always before the fact on the up and after the fact on the down can’t count on catching the volume .. can’t be done ..but you can chase up or dump down ..

The law suit s saying multi million dollars ..Whooopy doo for a campanile with a market cap of around 65 billion as of today . Even f other airlines do the same what kind of total dollars would it amount to for flights cancelled . You know the airlines will fudge the numbers and ask for more .delta claiming 600 flights cancelled , yeah I’ll bet !
Either way it won’t kill CRWD AND ONLY TAKE A LITTLE LONGER TO Recover .domthe math on the basic cost of a flight and the cancelled flights .. f that becomes a out of court settlement then it’s a drop in the hate even with the others doing lawsuits ..
my guess approx 3.5 million for delta not including other factors that may arise ..
And the other airlines all recovered rapidly it was delta that took over a week so why that was i dunno - old computer system? Also some are saying that there suits agsunst crwd won't be enforceable because you should carry insurance for those kind of things - crwd will recover i have no doubts may just take a minute or two
And the other airlines all recovered rapidly it was delta that took over a week so why that was i dunno - old computer system? Also some are saying that there suits agsunst crwd won't be enforceable because you should carry insurance for those kind of things - crwd will recover i have no doubts may just take a minute or two
Lots of crap running around .. we will see what happens .. non of the airlines are doing worth a damn with the stocks .. it’s their management..
I use to own Delta , United , still own JBLU and AAL .. I also weed JET the only airline ETF.. ALL OF THEM KILLED THE DIVIDEND , the staff cks never do squat .. I did sell at profits when I dumped the 3 .. made good money from AAL and a little on JBLU so I keep them .. Bit both have been trashed and both are bags now . I will dump them at the first opportunity in the green and be done with them , move the cast to a decent div stock a reap the rewards lol
He thinned his apple Awhile back - he was buying treasuries at some point
Nah ,, he’s fat with cash … He’s upto something ,, A acquisition of something .. that’s what he does …
CRWD taking a pounding for sure .. I’m going to have to avg. down I guess but need to get some idea closer to the bottom ..

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