Continued from 2007 ... GO DOW GO!!

Delta hired the so called best attorney ever lol yeah right ! David Boise :cool: to handle the law suit . The amount their claiming is rediculous now .. No way they get that much .
It will be worthwhile when it does get back to where it was -
Looks like lots of pounding going on out there - politics, earnings, Fed
NVDA almost back to pre split when it started it's run up. Losing all its gains.
NVDA almost back to pre split when it started it's run up. Losing all its gains.
It’s flattened out as the smoke clears .. no idea what it will,do going forward but my guess is like all the other big splits it just plays the manipulation slow lane .
It is! Sheeesh they're brutal
Just think ,$delta hires a scam lawyer David Boise that only got notoriety when the Gov. used him against Microsoft years ago . Ever since he’s been considered the best lawyer ever lol .
What other accomplishments has he done since ?
He helped over turn the Cali. Ban on gay marriage.
Was involved with the Harvey Weinstein case .
Was involved with the Elizabeth’s Holmes case .

Heck if you want to go to jail hire Boise hahaha !

Appears Delta thinks Boise is the best only based on the lawsuit against Microsoft years ago .. Smoke and mirrors and nothing but Deltas manipulation to try and scare into a settlement.. no way they get the kind of compensation they’re claiming .
It appears he’s added Microsoft to the suit which I don’t believe has actually been filed yet …
It will be worthwhile when it does get back to where it was -
That’s what I’m hoping for .. the smoke is thick right now .. Needs to clear the air and then we see the up begin .
I am right now having a debate with myself on whether to buy 2 shares of CRWD and take the loss on the ones I own now . Buy first then sell to avoid loosing the tax loss write off from a wash sale .. then I won’t be able to buy more till the wash time limit runs out ..
I am right now having a debate with myself on whether to buy 2 shares of CRWD and take the loss on the ones I own now . Buy first then sell to avoid loosing the tax loss write off from a wash sale .. then I won’t be able to buy more till the wash time limit runs out ..
If you like the stock avoid the wash sale time! You will pay more with the cost basis adjustment - IMHO
Or if you think it will come back sooner than later just keep them?

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