New 2004 Red SRT Ram Owner

Maryland was always a left blown out State . The only benifit for use to go across the state line was because it was upstream from the Potomac River lol .. Va. really went off the wall politically after I left up to today.. even as a young kid I was changing and becoming more left wing making BS laws on everything . DC cool with all the monuments and fireworks at the mall every year but became a crime ridden cesspool and murder capital , a dangerous place in my later teens . I left there at 22 because the traffic became insane and you couldn’t find anything fun left to do .. The area I roamed and worked lol had a 7-11 , fire station a gas staion ( full service ) and a one room post office and mostly wooded area back roads . Now it’s nothing but an extension of DC and complete wall to wall concrete buildings . I wouldn’t even know where I was if I visited today .
My first insurance was Geico when it was Government insurance and cost me $120 a year . My dad worked at the Pentagon and the Navy Annex . He was on the board of the Navy federal Union for a few years . He was a Mason and the Masonic building was amazing . He retired from the federal government and remarried and moved to Texas . He worked till he dropped with the City of Plano TX.
The first incident that made me notice as a young kid was my dad would take us to the power lines a very remote low populated area to learn to shoot . There was a bunch of junk people dumped there , washers ,refrigerators and eveything . The power lines area was where a lot of people did tartlet practice , bullet holes in all the junk. Well we went there on day and were shooting targets and a car came down the dirt road .. It was a cop ! He came up and talked to my dad and told him Fairfax county had passed a new law that it is illegal to discharge a fire arm inside county limits . Fairfax county is huge . Well we had to load everything up and leave . That finished target shooting completely growing up . I was very excited about shooting and still am . I still am . By the age of around 12 I learned absolute safety and familiarity with training , became a certified distinguished expert with the NRA program for kids . My dad ended up setting up a shooting range in our basement lol so I could practice and qualify which I did and was the only one of the 4 brothers to do so .. I loved the sport .. these days it’s a pain in the butt without knowing someone with land to be able to do target practice in Florida . I hate indoor ranges . Nevada was great outside city limits you could just pull off the roads and shoot as long as your were 50 yards off the road .. people did that everywhere lol there were even guys set up practice long shooting with all the high end stuff . Texas was also easy to find a place to practice but you had to drive a Texas mile to find one or be buddies with a rancher or larger property owner .
I loved Maryland but hated how the uppity types destroyed it. Pasadena was a blue collar waterfront town. When super highways came to be and next thing you know the woods are gone, the older established neighborhoods are slums and new neighborhoods are million dollar homes the people of Pasadena could not afford. So others moved in, inflated prices of everything and if something did not fit their agenda they snuffed it out. My dad belonged to gun club that did a lot of good, it was a fair amount of land that developers wanted. Soon the club was gone and a golf course community sat in its place.
I reside in another corrupt state Illinois where the governor favorite phrase is “hold my beer” when ever someone comments to it can’t possibly get any worse. Fortunately I live downstate where our local government tells him no.
I tried the registry and came up empty handed. I can’t say I did the search properly. Thanks for trying.
If you came up empty too then it's probably not in there- if Viperjeff comes back on he can help, he is the Registry author and King of the VINs info!
I tried the registry and came up empty handed. I can’t say I did the search properly. Thanks for trying.
I tried with my VIN and nothing came up either and I have a registry certificate and I know it's in the registry -- SOOOOO either something is wrong with the registry/my search technique/ OR who knows??

@VIPR PWR do you know how to work the registry search?
There is black at the scoop. Should that be red with only the scoop screen being black?
Factory has them painted and just the grille is black (see below). I also think it looks better all black, at least against the red.

Screenshot 2024-08-12 at 10-43-37 red srt-10 ram - Google Search.png
3D3HA16H24G250528, is checking registry something I do or ask someone else? I would love to find the build number.
Originally sold in CT. If you want to see your build sheet, enter your VIN here:

Probably not. It’s hard to make perfection better.
One that I will absolutely recommend is the Grant wheel:

I did one of these in my old truck and got the silver cruise switches from an Aspen (Aspen/Durango used the same wheels & switches) to match the rest of the silver interior accents:

IMAG4634 edit.jpg

When I started parting out the truck it was one of the first things that sold.
Hahahaha!!! That's funny! This place has lots of bantering history behind it. Lots of friends by internet and some have met face to face at GTGs but as these beasts have aged and become more rare, so has Member participation
That it did .. wish it would pick up and get back to what it was back in the day .
Factory has them painted and just the grille is black (see below). I also think it looks better all black, at least against the red.

View attachment 67114

Originally sold in CT. If you want to see your build sheet, enter your VIN here:

One that I will absolutely recommend is the Grant wheel:

I did one of these in my old truck and got the silver cruise switches from an Aspen (Aspen/Durango used the same wheels & switches) to match the rest of the silver interior accents:

View attachment 67115

When I started parting out the truck it was one of the first things that sold.
Excellent .. I can see why the steering wheel sold first .. I have the fang center badge I never installed and no Idea where it is lol .
Don't do it!!! Stock is Beautiful!!
Yes ,, but certain things like the oil lines and the power steering lines need to be a better quality.. there are several vendors and options …. I’ve had my power steering line spew all over the engine compartment several times .. it makes a mess ..
Hahahaha!!! That's funny! This place has lots of bantering history behind it. Lots of friends by internet and some have met face to face at GTGs but as these beasts have aged and become more rare, so has Member participation
The said part is many went away .. some pop in once in a blue moon and a couple still lurk but almost never post .. the knowledge on these trucks and the help people gave was amazing back then ..It’s sad when it started to change ..
Yes ,, but certain things like the oil lines and the power steering lines need to be a better quality.. there are several vendors and options …. I’ve had my power steering line spew all over the engine compartment several times .. it makes a mess ..
I do agree with this kind of mod/upgrade lol

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