2024 Post Ho Thread

Yumm! She's good to go for awhile lol
She has no idea or the doctors that I’m tired of labs every 2 months and follow ups with cardiologist and PCP .. I will be telling them . They haven’t fixed anything for going on 4 years now . I’m just a revenue patient .. Not going to happen anymore !
The cardiologist has already made my next appointment at 6 months .. I’ll settle for that for now … But the PCP , I am possibly going to change . All they do is want to give me symptom BS drugs. As the nurse said today when I said I stopped changing the Statin drug ,, she said they will put me on something else .. I said I’m not going to take life time drugs anymore ! My cholesterol has been great for years except my HDL IS TO LOW . Appears I can’t get an answer on how to raise it from the PCP ! The cardiologist on last appointment I asked about the Statin and he had no problem with me not taking them .. Statins were never brought up until my first appointment to meet my PCP and he scribed a statin and a prostate drug ( life time drugs ) and never tested anything .. he just stated men at 65 have a enlarged prostate and cholesterol needs to be managed .. BULLCHIT ! I hate assuming and stereotype BS .. people are individuals and different things affect in different ways , good or bad .. SIGNED A PISSED OFF INDIVIDUAL!
She has no idea or the doctors that I’m tired of labs every 2 months and follow ups with cardiologist and PCP .. I will be telling them . They haven’t fixed anything for going on 4 years now . I’m just a revenue patient .. Not going to happen anymore !
The cardiologist has already made my next appointment at 6 months .. I’ll settle for that for now … But the PCP , I am possibly going to change . All they do is want to give me symptom BS drugs. As the nurse said today when I said I stopped changing the Statin drug ,, she said they will put me on something else .. I said I’m not going to take life time drugs anymore ! My cholesterol has been great for years except my HDL IS TO LOW . Appears I can’t get an answer on how to raise it from the PCP ! The cardiologist on last appointment I asked about the Statin and he had no problem with me not taking them .. Statins were never brought up until my first appointment to meet my PCP and he scribed a statin and a prostate drug ( life time drugs ) and never tested anything .. he just stated men at 65 have a enlarged prostate and cholesterol needs to be managed .. BULLCHIT ! I hate assuming and stereotype BS .. people are individuals and different things affect in different ways , good or bad .. SIGNED A PISSED OFF INDIVIDUAL!
It's all too make money! Prescribe anything they can and order every possible test available just because most people just go with the flow
Harvard study said low LDL not a problem so they probably just want to keep you needing something! lol
She has no idea or the doctors that I’m tired of labs every 2 months and follow ups with cardiologist and PCP .. I will be telling them . They haven’t fixed anything for going on 4 years now . I’m just a revenue patient .. Not going to happen anymore !
The cardiologist has already made my next appointment at 6 months .. I’ll settle for that for now … But the PCP , I am possibly going to change . All they do is want to give me symptom BS drugs. As the nurse said today when I said I stopped changing the Statin drug ,, she said they will put me on something else .. I said I’m not going to take life time drugs anymore ! My cholesterol has been great for years except my HDL IS TO LOW . Appears I can’t get an answer on how to raise it from the PCP ! The cardiologist on last appointment I asked about the Statin and he had no problem with me not taking them .. Statins were never brought up until my first appointment to meet my PCP and he scribed a statin and a prostate drug ( life time drugs ) and never tested anything .. he just stated men at 65 have a enlarged prostate and cholesterol needs to be managed .. BULLCHIT ! I hate assuming and stereotype BS .. people are individuals and different things affect in different ways , good or bad .. SIGNED A PISSED OFF INDIVIDUAL!
Geez try a different pcp see what they say.
Harvard study said low LDL not a problem so they probably just want to keep you needing something! lol
My LDL is below the well average , my Triglycerides are well below the avg. those are the bad ones .
The good HDL is excessively low .. normal is 60 and I’m in the 43 range .. if it goes below 40 then it puts you in a Cristal stage of heart attack or stroke stated by the Hospital records on me …

So why the hell would I have been given a Statin to lower my cholesterol LDL and Triglycerides with great numbers !

I need to raise my HDL and the answers I get have been crap and done nothing .. things I have been doing with diet , excersize blah blah ..
right now I’m waiting to access my todays labs and see f I made changes in readings of everything they tested for .. I changed a few things with diet , how much liquids I drink and a little less walking excersize . Most things ai have been eating have zero cholesterol already ,, hard boiled eggs I eat but I have removed the yolks mostly since the last lab test..I have a little salt here and there and a bag of chips every few days .. a few very lean 97% fat free burgers . Still very little saturated fats etc. plus a few other minor changes .. like taking more vitamins everyday and OTC Niacin at 1000 to 1500 a day .
Geez try a different pcp see what they say.
I’m heading in that direction ,, a neighbor lady just gave me a pamphlet and the doctor she uses and highly recommends along with the Medicare advantage program she has ( can’t change that till Oct when open enrollment begins again ) . She told me she check at her doctors today that they do take My insurance plan and are taking new patients..
My LDL is below the well average , my Triglycerides are well below the avg. those are the bad ones .
The good HDL is excessively low .. normal is 60 and I’m in the 43 range .. if it goes below 40 then it puts you in a Cristal stage of heart attack or stroke stated by the Hospital records on me …

So why the hell would I have been given a Statin to lower my cholesterol LDL and Triglycerides with great numbers !

I need to raise my HDL and the answers I get have been crap and done nothing .. things I have been doing with diet , excersize blah blah ..
right now I’m waiting to access my todays labs and see f I made changes in readings of everything they tested for .. I changed a few things with diet , how much liquids I drink and a little less walking excersize . Most things ai have been eating have zero cholesterol already ,, hard boiled eggs I eat but I have removed the yolks mostly since the last lab test..I have a little salt here and there and a bag of chips every few days .. a few very lean 97% fat free burgers . Still very little saturated fats etc. plus a few other minor changes .. like taking more vitamins everyday and OTC Niacin at 1000 to 1500 a day .
Sounds like you do all the right things and the fact you give a crap is amazing in this day and age! They probably don't know how to treat a healthy patient! Hahahaha
My LDL is below the well average , my Triglycerides are well below the avg. those are the bad ones .
The good HDL is excessively low .. normal is 60 and I’m in the 43 range .. if it goes below 40 then it puts you in a Cristal stage of heart attack or stroke stated by the Hospital records on me …

So why the hell would I have been given a Statin to lower my cholesterol LDL and Triglycerides with great numbers !

I need to raise my HDL and the answers I get have been crap and done nothing .. things I have been doing with diet , excersize blah blah ..
right now I’m waiting to access my todays labs and see f I made changes in readings of everything they tested for .. I changed a few things with diet , how much liquids I drink and a little less walking excersize . Most things ai have been eating have zero cholesterol already ,, hard boiled eggs I eat but I have removed the yolks mostly since the last lab test..I have a little salt here and there and a bag of chips every few days .. a few very lean 97% fat free burgers . Still very little saturated fats etc. plus a few other minor changes .. like taking more vitamins everyday and OTC Niacin at 1000 to 1500 a day .
Have a Cadillac Margarita every other day for raising your HDL hahahaha!

This is weird but I've noticed some folks who drink actually have decent cholesterol - it's insane. I don't drink but some i know have great cholesterol ratios
Sounds like you do all the right things and the fact you give a crap is amazing in this day and age! They probably don't know how to treat a healthy patient! Hahahaha
I try to do more than even the experts do ,, but that’s easy since they don’t do squat lol
Have a Cadillac Margarita every other day for raising your HDL hahahaha!

This is weird but I've noticed some folks who drink actually have decent cholesterol - it's insane. I don't drink but some i know have great cholesterol ratios
I don’t drink either ..
I try to do more than even the experts do ,, but that’s easy since they don’t do squat lol
Right that! It takes Lors of time and effort to do what you're doing - commedable
Here is the Lipid panel results from yesterdays test ::
Doctor VIPRPWR was correct again and PO’ed as to why I was put on a STATIN and why I didn’t volunteer to take them and stopped safely a good amount of time prior to this test and decided to take OTC Niacin (vitamin B3 from 500mg to 1500mg daily ). Niacin in high doses is prescribed by doctors for Cholesterol !
In the cholesterol results it’s easy to see that my cholesterol is great except for the HDL ( Good Cholesterol ) which is extremely low and can become critical and cause Herat attack and or stroke when it goes under 40 .. the normal range is 60 . My previous readings have been 43 and this time it 39 and not a good sign !
I’ve drilled the doctors over and over and telling them it’s low HDL and what I have to do to raise .. they’re weak or they don’t know how baffles my mind !


If anything you make of this it at the least will show and explain the ranges between the panel categories and something to compare to your own Lipid Panel blood testing .
Alway understand what the hell is going on and QUESTION THE SHIT OUT OF THE DOCTORS ON EVERYTHING ! Doctors are text book doctors relying on computer diagnosis based on age catagories ..Just wait till AI fully becomes your Doctor , it’s already begun !

Who over the years would you say have the screwEEEST avatar .
I’ll go with Ironhead for the ugliest lol Mikey with the most psychotic ( Charlie Manson ) lol
I’ll go with Ironhead for the ugliest lol Mikey with the most psychotic ( Charlie Manson ) lol
The exact two I was going to say!! Hahahaha
There's a couple others that are strange but since they don't post much I don't remember off hand.

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