2024 Post Ho Thread

Oh boy I got my drugs in the mail today ,, UGH ! I was hoping the would have sent me a note telling me to eat garlic or something lol
The next time I go to feed the vampire ,, maybe I should drink a few and get them drunker than a skunk
Well sombitch ! I guess my birthday has become the meaning f savior …. Just got a call from a buddy in the neighborhood that he was on his way to the hospital, something going on with his heart .. he loves with his disabled brother that can’t communicate or take care of himself he has brain damage from when he was a kid .. he called me to see if I will check on him till he gets home (?) whenever that will be ! No idea of what will be going on at the hospital..
funny how I woke up early this morning as exactly 1 year ago the elderly lady 2 doors down had fallen and I just happened to hear and see here on the floor behind here glass screen door ..

Well I checked on the brother a few minutes ago and tried to let him know his brother is on the way to the hospital and let him know I will be checking on him .. I think he understood…
Yesterdays saga was when I was walking and saw this ladies dog wondering across the street ,, this is the 3rd time I know of … the other 2 times she drove around the neighborhood calling the dogs name ,, she was drunk as a skunk and ended up wrecking her car the last time .. this time I saw her walking around looking for the dog and she’s so damn drunk that when I caught up with the dog and she got there with the leash she couldn’t even put it on the dog r hardly stand up and actually fell flat on her back .. I took the leash put it on the dog and helped her stand back up and walked them both home .. unreal living here that’s forsure lol
Everyone wants to see a clean hole.

What’s joyful is being able to stick your finger into that hole and not being like the little Dutch boy having to deal with the wet spot.
But the real Question is , Are any holes really clean lol
Yesterdays saga was when I was walking and saw this ladies dog wondering across the street ,, this is the 3rd time I know of … the other 2 times she drove around the neighborhood calling the dogs name ,, she was drunk as a skunk and ended up wrecking her car the last time .. this time I saw her walking around looking for the dog and she’s so damn drunk that when I caught up with the dog and she got there with the leash she couldn’t even put it on the dog r hardly stand up and actually fell flat on her back .. I took the leash put it on the dog and helped her stand back up and walked them both home .. unreal living here that’s forsure lol
Wow. And they complain about a little vehicle work going on! Hahahaha
Everyone wants to see a clean hole.
What’s joyful is being able to stick your finger into that hole. Problem then is you start thinking about the little Dutch boy and are afraid to walk away.
Hey your using the Post Ho tactic lol same post on 2 thread .. Rock on lol
Everyone wants to see a clean hole.
What’s joyful is being able to stick your finger into that hole. Problem then is you start thinking about the little Dutch boy and are afraid to walk away.
Oh ewwwww!!!

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