Continued from 2007 ... GO DOW GO!!

Look at how he's holding the computer in the pic! hahahaha
I Have #7 on the job ,,, 77777777777 from now on .. be ready he's burning the midnight oil and the 24/7 green light ..THE FUTURES ARE OURS !

I think nvda is going to charge again -
Hahaha ,, up today down tomorrow .. after a pound on the market indexes then the next day it does the opposite.. Dow up big , nasdaq pounded yesterday and then repeat repeat repeat … thats the trend now . They take it down and push it up and the question is will the smashed stock go higher than the smashed day ,, not usually .. NVDA ? Will it go back up before the yesterday smash today ,, I doubt it will , Tomorrow hmmm ! Nasdaq up big today odds are it gets smashed tomorrow .. THIS TREND HAS BEEN CONSTANT FOR A WHILE !
Never count your chickens when it comes to the market and bigs moving the entire market and stocks that a retailer cant even come close to making 1 stock move .
and the talking head column writrs are absurd!! They contradict each thing they say faster than they say it. I've learned a lot! That's my goal - always learning and usually best only done by experience!
and the talking head column writrs are absurd!! They contradict each thing they say faster than they say it. I've learned a lot! That's my goal - always learning and usually best only done by experience!
Yep .. thats a constant
Wow ,, just check sgain at the close and in the last couple minutes the pricks pounded on my portfolio . Almost 1k more red in minutes ..

Well Ill tell you look at apple price action for the last several days or week and they are playing it up and slapping it into the close . That appears to me that its as close to a perfect daily flip as possible .
GoogL and Amazon are also high possibilities for flips or swings .. regularly getting pull backs and then some run up .. at the prices its a good deal IMO … all 3 will run over 200 soon enough .. AAPL all ready and finally broke thru 200 and has been holding ..
Wow ,, just check sgain at the close and in the last couple minutes the pricks pounded on my portfolio . Almost 1k more red in minutes ..

Well Ill tell you look at apple price action for the last several days or week and they are playing it up and slapping it into the close . That appears to me that its as close to a perfect daily flip as possible .
GoogL and Amazon are also high possibilities for flips or swings .. regularly getting pull backs and then some run up .. at the prices its a good deal IMO … all 3 will run over 200 soon enough .. AAPL all ready and finally broke thru 200 and has been holding ..
Yes AAPL has been doing that I've been watching it!
nvda last night at 116! I'm thinking it's going to keep going up

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