Continued from 2007 ... GO DOW GO!!

There is more than meets the eye with CMG behind the scenes without a doubt .. Several of the bigs are and have been involved with this stock for a good while .. manipulation is massive and against the retailers . Even with company buy backs the stock dropps on good earnings .. That in itself makes zero sense and leaves it to manipulation ..HEDGIES !
Burrito busters!! Hahahaha
MMM rocked in the last 15 minutes and I was able to sell 8 of the 10 high cost shares on my other account … made for a decent profit taking day with portfolio gaining back some .. I put back over 3k more in the last 3 days to play with now … I want to see more legs from now on lol
Nice work!

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization..​

I couldn’t remember what all the letters stood for so I copy and pasted lol.
I will say that using the EBITDA accounting system it is easier to manipulate the bottom line .. But it’s fully legal and acceptable, so to say to use it !
I added 1 more share post div.ex date and lowered my cost avg on RYLD on the Robin in the hood account ..
the price has gone up more and I’m growing gains plus zi also get the .32 divs ( pending payout on the 29th ) it’s in the drip right now and may remove it and take the cash since it’s gone up more than I expected . Then maybe add more Doge or Shib crapto .. I’m testing to see how fast I can turn it into 20$ profit .. So may do some flipping and taking profit on the way .. These are just a self challenge to meet my goal to reach $20 profit which once reached the go for $50 , $100 etc. goals will go to the EOY !

I haven’t decided to set a trend buy price yet .. but possibly under 16.50 On my other accounts I have shares in the $20 zone so I’m good to lower avgs. Between all accounts .
Either a sell on these shares or wait and tranfer the account to another brokerage account I have if I build it to the point that becomes worthwhile.. I believe they charge $75 to transfer out and the account is to small to eat that .. Crapto on it are not transferable .. many brokers will reimburse the transfer fee up to $75 except the account has to meet their requirements.. like 2500$ value to transfer .. partial account transfer may be different requirements depending on the brokerage firms . More DD required lol !
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That's a good challenge and test! To earn the 20.00 profit do you put any cap on how much you will put in to do that? For instance doing nothing but collecting divs on your 3 would earn you 20.00 in 62.5 months if the div stays at .16 per share and the price never moved - which it will of course.

I assume then that you'll have to add shares and use divs to move it quicker - is that part decided along the way?

Is the 20.00 goal just for the RYLD?
The goal is for RYLD position only , on that account . Divs will either be taken as cash or dripped if the price is in the range which will add to the shares .. If cash is taken I will need to reinvest it back in myself . Yes I will add a couple shares here and there . The price moving is going to be a factor .. Divs plus growth to get to 20$ . Profit.
The goal is for RYLD position only , on that account . Divs will either be taken as cash or dripped if the price is in the range which will add to the shares .. If cash is taken I will need to reinvest it back in myself . Yes I will add a couple shares here and there . The price moving is going to be a factor .. Divs plus growth to get to 20$ . Profit.
Got it :thumbsup:
Ofcourse I forgot the buying and selling part lol flipping reloading and flipping again when possible .. I did a 24 hour limit trade attempt the other night .. bought 1 making 3 lowered avg and put all three up for sale with a highball sell @16.33 … it missed buy 1 penny lol .. the 24 hour trading s odd pops and drops maybe 1 time then settles in at the low end .. It dropped down to 15.97 which is a buy op .. the thing is the volume ids very low and in that case was 17 … f I can catch the rocket for the sale and catch the falling knife as it hits the bottom .. that money in the bank .. I’ll keep playing it and see what happens .. that was my original thought for grabbing RYDL or possibly QYLD to test the 24 hour trading ..
Right now I’m up basically.19 and .32 divs in the bank on the 29th .. @16.15 cost avg. .wiggle room to add .

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