Continued from 2007 ... GO DOW GO!!

I didn't enjoy this today and tomorrow could be worse!!! I'm trying to stay in not sure this is my cup o tea lol
Or tomorrow could be better !
Your doing fine , you just haven’t been doing it long enough yet and got the feel . That comes in time and the learning never does stop as you become more advance and proficient . The ups and downs are what the market does . You can’t be emotional over the ups and downs .. Those are going to happen daily .
I stress having a plan as a Investor , not a trader .. build the dividend income long term first. Day traders and swing traders stress out a hell of a lot more and get themselves in tax troubles , Greed will wipe you out .
When the others panic thats when you look to add or buy more . During the pandemic the market crashed ,, thats when I looked for adds and buys and found plenty . Then biggest problem was looking for the bottom , you can’t time the markets , don't even try . But like any other crash the market will come back even stronger .. It’s all about time at that point and buying as low as you can get them …… Don’t Chase !
I probably should have sold all mine when it was at 140
Why ? Maybe sell some 1/4 or a 1/2 of the position or high cost is what I do ! There is nothing wrong with pulling some of the profits off the table and that gives you cash to start another position in something else . Divs are just a bonus !
Definitely not for the Squeamish - once i get in the groove I'll do better I can see it's just getting used to the platforn itself, setting screens up to work efficient (i use Web version not mobile app) the DD and learning about the market and stocks. A diy financial course - live! Lol lol
Investing is actually more difficult than trading - i respect your diligence
Definitely not for the Squeamish - once i get in the groove I'll do better I can see it's just getting used to the platforn itself, setting screens up to work efficient (i use Web version not mobile app) the DD and learning about the market and stocks. A diy financial course - live! Lol lol
I use the web platform myself and only check on the app f im out and about ..
I do not se the sink or swim platform ,, its way to cluttered and don't have full view with my positions without clicking on to many things that don't fit the page. I use the classic platform .
It takes time to get use to things and lesson many mistakes by not knowing some simple things to do and not to do . Ive tried to cover most of the little things and tricks .. Im sure there are more that I haven't found lol I'm always looking lol !
It may be a good idea to post a stick of the things to be careful of till there engrained in your mind or maybe talk to musk about a Nuerolink lol !
I'm getting the platform figured out, got the wash sales, got the fifo lifo and lots, the limit orders/market orders etc - i can't figure out what makes the moves happen and what to expect when they do. Like the triple witching. Well i get what it is but what happens next is what i don't. Little guy doesn't know all this and can't see behind the curtain. I know the rule is no emotion, make and stick to the plan. That's the hard part
Investing is actually more difficult than trading - i respect your diligence
I have to disagree with that .. Once you get build a solid portfolio it basically will run itself and grow . You don’t need to check constantly and do the DD in depth like before buyin the position and choosing to buy it . You can just then decipher new news , check the sec filings and vote the proxies if you choose.

With trading , day or swing you are always gluing your eye to the computer scanning for articles and news from dingheads , panicking when the price drops . You also need to set your mind on when to sell on a stock dropping and getting out before it goes red . In those situations its better to take the profit and revisit later . Always remember a .01 gain is .01 more than you had even as small as that is . Its better than bagging . You also need to decide to hold a bag or decide yourself what your acceptable loss financially would be .

I could go on and on lol but I hope you get the idea of me disagreeing.
I do stick to my plan …. But I also do SMALL FLIPS TRADING . So trading is also like a small sideline for me that I don't risk a lot of cash on .. the only real dead money bags of stocks I have are from day and swing trading .. The Investing Part / my plan at least pay me something back in dividends all year long YOY !
I'm getting the platform figured out, got the wash sales, got the fifo lifo and lots, the limit orders/market orders etc - i can't figure out what makes the moves happen and what to expect when they do. Like the triple witching. Well i get what it is but what happens next is what i don't. Little guy doesn't know all this and can't see behind the curtain. I know the rule is no emotion, make and stick to the plan. That's the hard part
Never heard the term triple witching .. Things like that are not basic .
Investing and trading are all on the person and how they think and handle the mental things .. in a nut shell worrying to much lol. Thats Emotional !
I have to disagree with that .. Once you get build a solid portfolio it basically will run itself and grow . You don’t need to check constantly and do the DD in depth like before buyin the position and choosing to buy it . You can just then decipher new news , check the sec filings and vote the proxies if you choose.

With trading , day or swing you are always gluing your eye to the computer scanning for articles and news from dingheads , panicking when the price drops . You also need to set your mind on when to sell on a stock dropping and getting out before it goes red . In those situations its better to take the profit and revisit later . Always remember a .01 gain is .01 more than you had even as small as that is . Its better than bagging . You also need to decide to hold a bag or decide yourself what your acceptable loss financially would be .

I could go on and on lol but I hope you get the idea of me disagreeing.
I do stick to my plan …. But I also do SMALL FLIPS TRADING . So trading is also like a small sideline for me that I don't risk a lot of cash on .. the only real dead money bags of stocks I have are from day and swing trading .. The Investing Part / my plan at least pay me something back in dividends all year long YOY !
Exactly - Makes perfect sense after rethinking
Never heard the term triple witching .. Things like that are not basic .
Investing and trading are all on the person and how they think and handle the mental things .. in a nut shell worrying to much lol. Thats Emotional !
I'm staying my course :) :eek:

The witching hour will come and go - it does every quarter!
I'm getting the platform figured out, got the wash sales, got the fifo lifo and lots, the limit orders/market orders etc - i can't figure out what makes the moves happen and what to expect when they do. Like the triple witching. Well i get what it is but what happens next is what i don't. Little guy doesn't know all this and can't see behind the curtain. I know the rule is no emotion, make and stick to the plan. That's the hard part
Ill say your already more knowledgable than most investors and traders without a doubt !
It is easy to loose track on a plan in this game and any other thing when you see something you think is good .
Looks like the markets are running the same garbage trend today ..
DJT HIT AND CORZ not moving worth a damn .. ill see what CORZ does today but most likely ill be dumping the couple shares and take the little loss .. then no more buying it for a while hahaha at least I did profit and get my M&M’s and a Almond joy lol
Futures flat in the red ..
The word recession popping up in articles again , been a while since Ive seen that …
Like the S&P500 drops on first interest rate fed increases ..
NVDA loosing the first place market cap and giving it back to AAPL!
The trend over the last couple months BS continues !
IMO all these BS ANAList and articles may just be the beginning of the next manipulation and a hard or harder market recovery recession they used to BS about year ago .. be ready for the panic and buy ops come with it ! Ill be watching and trying to find the bottom f this crap comes about !

Speculation is what Im seeing and doing ..add your speculation and DD !
NVDA lost the 1st place in Market cap now .. being hit again PreM .. im looking for the buy op and the bottom .. possibly for a flip . Not sure on long term position though !
Checked the div ..I didn't realize that the post dividend is .01 per 1/4 and .04 annual .. very very weak !
Market looks like a bust again based on Futures over night and PreM .. The Nas and S&P red , DOW green .. same BS trend still going on . With just scare tactic BS news manipulation IMO !
It drops and continues the buy ops for long term positions become better and flips get tougher and turn to bags for a while . Those you have to watch and flip fast at the first chance IMO … time to get to business and Ill be watching on the day for something to get those M&M’s lol
I'm seeing I should have sold last Wednesday! Then i could be buying back right now - or not

I may still sell and take the small gain before it's all gone. can't decide lol
I'm seeing I should have sold last Wednesday! Then i could be buying back right now - or not

I may still sell and take the small gain before it's all gone. can't decide lol
Thats the biggest problem with buying and selling .. Confucius say! Don’t count on a hope and a prayer , decide and make up your mind Uh huh , Thats it lol !

NVDA with a couple others are taking a hell of a pull back and was expected as it moved up fast and hard .. When a stock jumps hard and fast it leaves gaps in the chart and sooner or later those gaps will most likely get filled dropping the stock ..
Remember a golden rule ….. Never trust anyone except yourself with trading , even your best friend won’t tell when they sell or buy until after the fact and never get greedy !

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