Continued from 2007 ... GO DOW GO!!

Looking at the etf scenario those don't look as volatile
It will go back up. I'm structuring a better plan. :cool:
All you need to do is decide if you want to be an investor or a trader ..
What was your plan to do with NVDA when you bought it ? Holding it long term or short term .. Short term is a trader looking for fast money and higher risk . Long term is an investor looking for income and growth building a solid portfolio with less risk .
Looking at the etf scenario those don't look as volatile
Some are some aren’t ! There are lots of them with different reasons they were formed .. many are not worth the time of day . DD required . It took me months to choose the ones I own and why I choose them to fit into my investment plan . Heck some are for specific sectors , some are for shorting others for covered call options ( which RYLD and QYLD are ) ETC. and so one . Some pay at different payout interval , monthly , quarterly , semi annual and annual . I use them to fill in the income payout gaps between quarterly stock dividend payouts . I build the ones that payout and tend to be slow growth to add more to those positions . Even if the drop and are in the read the payouts in time will catch up and still give you gains .. If want the cash I just don’t DRIP them .. Many are cheap enough to build a larger position also . I talked to a rep with TD Ameritrade at my local office and that’s when I heard about ETF’s years ago ! That’s what he was doing in the office , looking all day long for ETF’s he want to get into !
I will say CMG is a Dog now lol .. That’s why I test the waters before I go in larger … I’m bagging only a few now but won’t sell till it goes green . I may even avg. down with a few more ..
I want to have two accounts. One for possible trades if something comes along and my investments to steady the ship.
Sounds like a good move .. Which account would be your primary core holding account ? I would recommend building the investment account to grow first and building a cash reserve then once you get there use some of the cash reserves and transfer cash to the higher interest bank account then to the investment and or trading account depending on the position your looking into. Try to never run low on your cash just incase you come across a possible good deal on investment account first then trading account .
It will always depend on amount of cash on hand to build or trade and why I would build the core account to grown the value of it . To DRIP or not to DRIP is your choice you have to take cash or let the broker buy more for you ( less for you to worry or do in the DRIP, but I find that I can usually reinvest the divs myself at a better price with the option of buying a better deal .
I will say CMG is a Dog now lol .. That’s why I test the waters before I go in larger … I’m bagging only a few now but won’t sell till it goes green . I may even avg. down with a few more ..
It may take that to go green.

Green sauce way better than red!
Humor in true burrito style lol
i thought AVGO would do better post split but it got ran up pretty high pre split them bam! The rotation happened. Or whatever sweet name they want to put on it :rolleyes:
It may take that to go green.

Green sauce way better than red!
Humor in true burrito style lol
WASABI is my choice ,, means not going to the poison palace
i thought AVGO would do better post split but it got ran up pretty high pre split them bam! The rotation happened. Or whatever sweet name they want to put on it :rolleyes:
Way to high ,, did what NVDA and CMG did pre split .. that’s a sign of pumping
Did you see how hard META got smashed today .. it’s going to go back over 500 again pretty quickly IMO
Looking at the etf scenario those don't look as volatile
The nature of them as a fund makes the less volatile and less risk , at least that’s one of the main reasons they have them .
They all got the sledge hammer!
But not like META and TSLA a few days prior and recovered the next day ..
Big downs like those are Buy ops for flipping .. I’ll bet within a very short time maybe even a few days . Meta will be close to 500 again . I’ll also bet flipping 1 or 2 shares will make a very nice profit fast of around 30 to 50$ per share .
I’m not going to gauge PreM this morning , but it’s up over 8$ right now . We will see on the open .. NASDAQ should regain a good amount very shortly .. EASY MONEY IMO !
Indexes juts took a dump .. must be because the dumbo is claiming the pandemic is back since he has COVID for the 4th time .. but we all know he’s claim is BS and this is a way to get rid of him or campaign from his basement again ..
Over and out on the market today .. enough is enough of watching the manipulation BS ..
cash funds down anyway .. hate it when that happens !
And to think it would have been so easy to have made at least $11 bucks a share on META this morning flipping it ..

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