Continued from 2007 ... GO DOW GO!!

Been doing that all along but seems to not drop back and holds higher lows ..
yes you can buy into it with partial shares !
Oh okay! Didn't know that :cool:
The thing about buying partial shares is you have to buy with a market order only . You can buy with little money . Like 1$ , 5$ 10$ or more ! Just keep adding when the price seems low enough to you and see what it does .. like BRK-A on big drops ad another couple bucks or whatever .. like adding to a change jar lol .. you probably won’t ever own a full share or make a ton of money but what the heck filling that change jar adds up .
I’ll be doing just that , I like to freak people out when I tell them I own BRK-A and they see the price of a share lol.. I can say I’ve never lost a penny on it
I’m a bit mad at a company FSRNQ that claimed chapter 11 reorganization.. Tuesday the filed to change it to Chapter 7 the your screwed bankruptcy.. I just got the news last night in AH From my brother .. the stock was delisted a couple months ago so news is pretty much non existent.. it’s on the Pink slip exchange !
That forced me to decide fast to dump it and salvage a few Pennys . But I was not allowed to trade it on my account in AH , PreM or even set any type of order till the open .. then it won’t let you use a market order on pinks .. Fidelity damn WTF ! Then the platform froze up and I had to reboot to out in the sell 6 freaking minutes went by .. finally I had to put the sell in as a limit order but the price had dropped to .0012 and it filled .. I got back a whoooping .12 taking a loss of $1288.. at least I won’t be holding a worthless stock and can now use the 1288 as A tax loss write off ..
my brother dumped his @.001 and he has a massive amount but he gets the tax loss writeoff and it will carry over for a few year or more .. it also offset you gains for the year so more profits can be made .. sort of a loose ,, WIN WIN situation!
Still to high , but heck a $1 buy and add on the down to avg lower
Look into CRWD .. TAKING A BIG HIT ! Seems that is what the problem was this morning when I was trying to dump FSRNQ ..

CRWD seems to be a decent buy op for a flip at least till I can see what is being said about the problem .. It will go back up once those investors are more assured the problem is fixed .. it may be a move to buy pretty fast being as the weekend is here !IMG_1079.png
My bet share good for around $35 to close to $100 on a flip or swing it depending how cheap you can get it ..
The CRWD ceo makes 275 times what the employees make. Geez. That's effed up lol
Oh Sheeet i see that now, i misread the info
Now the question for you … do you think I actually lose the 1288$ ? Serious question and lesson ..It on previous posts ?;)
The CRWD ceo makes 275 times what the employees make. Geez. That's effed up lol
All CEO’s make a ton of money .. their crooks and most have no idea about really runnin squat IMO .
Imdid put in a test to buy a .25 share on fidelity to see if they allowed partials … It didn’t fill though .. so now I know that robinhood and fidelity both have it … Fidelity allows limit orders and does not charge a fee Schwab , I know they have it but haven’t used it to see how it works .. HINT ; There is the beginning of your first buy of BRK-a lol

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